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Stay Prepared During the Entire Hurricane Season


Stay Prepared During the Entire Hurricane Season

For the North, Atlantic region, hurricane season starts in June and lasts all the way to November. That means all of us in the Tampa Bay Area have 6 long months to continue our watch. It’s important to stay prepared during the entire hurricane season. There are several things you can do to such as stock the essentials, make a plan, and preparing for the long-term.

Stock the essentials

  • First aid kit- Band-Aids, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, gauze, medical tape, and tweezers are good to have at your house at all times.
  • Food and water – Make sure your house has at least 3 days’ worth of non-perishable food items and enough bottled water for you and your family. This includes granola bars, canned tuna, MRE’s, beef jerky, or packaged fruit. If you start to run low, restock as soon as possible. Since these items have a long shelf life, keeping them on hand will help you stay prepared during the entire hurricane season.
  • Sanitation supplies – Things like soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and disinfectants will come in handy if a hurricane leaves you homebound. Also, heavy-duty garbage bags are great to have when clean-up is needed.
  • Flashlights and batteries- In case the power goes out.
  • Prescription medications.
  • Weather Alert Radio- This will broadcast warnings, forecasts, current weather conditions, and other hazard information, 24 hours a day. Make sure to get one with an alarm tone in the event that any immediate actions are needed. Also, a weather alert radio with a battery backup is important.

Next, make a plan

  • Keep a list of vital contacts. This should include emergency management offices, law enforcement, fire/rescue, local shelters, local hospitals, Local American Red Cross, and your insurance agent.
    Learn if you are in an evacuation area.
  • Keep your car gas tank full.
  • Designate an out of area contact person to relay information to family members. This person will be the centralized contact for family communications.
  • Pick two evacuation locations. One should be just outside your home for sudden events such as a fire. The second should be outside your neighborhood, in case a larger event occurs.
  • Plan your evacuation route.

If you decide to stay

  • Clean and fill sinks and bathtubs so there will be extra water available.
  • Clear your lawn of any furniture or things that could potentially go airborne.
  • Protect your windows with plywood or shutters.
  • Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the lowest setting. Furthermore, avoid opening the door until the storm has passed.
  • Keep your stove clear of all items, even if the power turns off.
  • Listen for weather updates on a NOAA Weather Alert Radio. Stay tuned to the latest information.

Preparing for the long term

Although this article shows how to stay prepared during the entire hurricane season, it is best to think proactively. As Floridians, we see a lot of hurricanes. We spend half of our year in an active hurricane season. As much as we prepare, year to year, wouldn’t it be nice to do something that will last longer into the future? Small Jobs Electric can help. We have installation services for generators and whole home surge protectors. Both of these items add safety and security to your home.

Please  today, for further information about how we can assist you.

(813) 303-0052