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Childproofing Your Home


Childproofing Your Home

Do you have a little one on the way? This is certainly an exciting time! While you may be focused on preparing clothes, toys and a nursery for your precious little bundle of joy, childproofing your home is always an important priority as well. Of course, safety gates and cabinet stops are vital but precautions to protect from electrical shock or injury should not be overlooked. What are some things to consider when child-proofing your home? Please read on.

Stop, Drop and Look

Okay, so that’s a new twist on the fire safety adage. But the truth is it’s good to try to see things from a small child or toddlers vantage point. Why not get down on your knees and take a look around to see what hazards you might see. Be sure to consider all potential hazards and devise a plan as to how you will address them.

Outlet Covers

While there is a new trend to create outlet receptacles that automatically include a cover to prevent electrical shock, most homes do not have this feature. In these cases, either you can place removable outlet covers or retrofit faceplates with those that include the sliding outlet covers. Otherwise you might consider replacing the entire outlet with the newer tamper resistant versions. In any case, try not to miss an outlet and replace the covers if you needed to temporarily use the outlet.

Cords and Lamps and Fans – Oh My!

Though many often stop at the outlets when considering protecting their child from electrical hazard, there are other things that should be addressed. For one thing, cords should be carefully concealed or covered. Hair is not the only thing little ones like to pull on! Not to be overlooked is whether the lamps in the room are easily accessed by a tot or could be pulled down. Consider too if there is an oscillating fan in the home, could the toddler put their fingers where the blades are or will it be out of reach.

Of course, there are many other things to consider when protecting your little ones and family. An electrical safety inspection might give you peace of mind. One final thought… Be sure to check those smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. You will rest well knowing you have protected your home and your family!